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The key to understanding the Bible

The key to understanding the Bible

by Toyosi Adegunle

Hi! Super glad to have you read from us again, we sincerely hope that you do as much as you read. 

A lot of times, we consume a lot of content that we don't really understand and we find it hard to do or follow through. As an undergraduate, a couple of years back, I attended a one-week spiritual conference with my friends from school, very awesome meeting with great men of God, I was excited to be there. During the sermon, I wrote a lot, 70% of which I didn't really understand but I wrote them down nonetheless. At different times during the sermon, I hear young people like me nodding or making sounds in agreement to the Preacher such as 'yes sir!' 'Preach sir'. I thought something was wrong with me (lol), I wanted to understand by fire by force so much that I went back to my notepad a million and one times, and I still didn't get it, so I couldn't do or live by whatever I heard and listened to at this conference. 

Upon arrival at school, I told my friends about it, they enjoined me to keep listening and pray for understanding and it hit me that I should have simply done that instead of struggling to understand. Before this conference experience, I had a hard time understanding scriptures (+ the natural struggles of reading KJV) because I was also struggling and forgot to remember that the Holy Spirit brings us into all truth, helps us to comprehend what the word actually means and what it is trying to teach us. Without comprehension, taking action is impossible. If you don't understand the scripture, it would be hard to follow through or obey. 

2 Corinthians 3:16 says "The letter kills, but the spirit gives life" is a clear explanation of what happens when you try to read the Bible on your own and expect to understand it on your own and in your own way because it is written in the English language. Don't get me wrong, the word of God is so simple, clear and straightforward but don't underestimate the power of praying before studying, while studying and after studying the word of God, so you don't become the believer that only hears or reads the word but doesn't do it because they don't understand it.

Your reality as a believer is dependent on the Holy Spirit, he is not complaining and he is not tired of helping out, in fact, Jesus told us in John 14:16 that he will send us a helper and that's exactly who the Holy Spirit is to you, let him do what he knows how to do best - HELP.

James 1:22 (AMPC) says "But prove yourselves doers of the word [actively and continually obeying God’s precepts], and not merely listeners [who hear the word but fail to internalize its meaning], deluding yourselves [by unsound reasoning contrary to the truth]".

The highlight of this scripture is 'internalizing the meaning' of what you read, simply put, meditation. The word will sit pretty in your heart and spirit if you meditate on it with the Holy Spirit for longer hours. 

Here's the pattern, pray before studying or listening to the word, pray and ask questions when you don't understand why Abraham had to sleep with Hagar and couldn't wait for the promise of God to happen, pray and ask God questions if you don't understand the parable of the lost sheep - why should anyone leave 99 present sheep to find a lost one? Ask and wisdom and understanding will come to you; pray after studying too so you get the grace to meditate on it for longer periods as well. 

Remember, comprehension is a catalyst to obedience. Understanding the scriptures aids obedience to the will of God through the word. 

What part of the scriptures have you struggled with the most? And how did you come to understand it? Tell us in the comment section, we'd love to read from you. 

Thank you for stopping by!


Dear Jesus, I know that you gave me the Holy Spirit when I said yes to you. Help me to always remember to engage Him in all that I do especially when it comes to my spiritual life in Jesus name, Amen.

Note from Bibi Babatunde-Ikotun

Hi everyone, I'm so proud of this write up by Toyosi. I was in a back and forth conversation with someone that strongly believes the bible is "trash" because it is anti-women. I was shocked because the same bible they saw in this light is the same bible that has empowered me. What will I say is the difference between both views? The HOLY SPIRIT. 

Check out my latest video that emphasized on Godfidence versus Confidence based on my experience from living in the United States. 


  1. Thanks for this content. I was reading the book of Roman chapter 7 sometime ago and I couldn't understand the law, sin and commandment! I spoke with Bibi about it, after her explanation I still went back to meditate. I read line by line, calling Holy spirit that what does this statement meant and it was so interesting because I later got the meaning.


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