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Can you heal the sick?

Can you heal the sick?

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. Thank you so much for clicking my link, God will continue to bless you in Jesus name. Amen. So I got a lot of feedback from last week’s post. If you haven’t checked it out, drop what you are doing and head over here. Tomorrow is the official anniversary of my blog and I want to say thank you so much for all your support and feedback. I appreciate you all. The giveaway is still ongoing, it ends tomorrow. Visit my twitter page (Bibilamour04) to participate in the fun bible trivia and exegesis.

Today, I am talking about infirmities. Sometimes, we are unconsciously okay with being sick or people around us being sick. When we have a slight headache, we just let it go. Someone says their stomach is upset, we tell them to drink water and lay down. We are spirit beings born of the life-giving spirit. We are not mere mortals; we are sons of God. God’s very own DNA is in our veins. As believers, there is nothing ordinary about you. You are no longer born of blood or flesh, you’re not a mere mortal, you are of God. When we gave our life to Christ our position changed.

John 1: 12-13 (NIV) 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

We can’t just let infirmity thrive in our body or bodies of the people around us. It is not permitted because of the finished works of Christ. We should never be okay with any form of infirmity even the ones the doctor says is “normal” (e.g. menstrual pain) or hereditary (e.g. High blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis etc.) Infirmity is not permitted, no matter how big or small they are. They are simply not allowed in your body as a believer because of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. See what prophet Isaiah prophesied about Jesus:

Isaiah 53:5 (NKJV) But He was wounded[a] for our transgressions, He was [b]bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.

Healing ministry is not for the people that have received the gift alone, it belongs to every believer. It is a lie from the pit of hell that God makes us sick so He can bring glory to Himself. Our God does not need to make you suffer to bring glory to Himself. That is not the almighty God we serve. He does not need to inflict you with diseases to make you pay attention to Him. Don’t let anybody tell you that. He does not need to make you suffer because you sinned. Jesus has taken away the sins of the world forever; He became sin so we may become the righteousness of God. (2 Corinthians 5:21) God does not inflict diseases and illnesses on anybody, that’s the work of the devil and his demons.

You have to begin to get into healing ministry actively. Ask to pray for your co-workers, your friends, your family members when they tell you about a sickness, heal them. Lay hands on yourself and anoint yourself if you can. Sickness is not normal; we should never normalize it. Be it physical or emotional, you should not accept it. You may be thinking, I don’t think I have the power or authority to heal people or I don’t have my life figured out enough to start healing people but I am here to tell you that you can and you should.

This scripture is one that every believer needs to meditate upon until revelation hits:

1 john 4:17 (KJV) Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.

1 john 4:17 (NIV) This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus.

If you decide to make a list of everything Jesus did when he dwelled amongst men, it is everything you have been equipped to do. As a believer, you have been called to lay hands on people and heal them (Luke 10:9). You have been called to lay hands on people and cast out all forms of evil. 

You may be thinking, what if I lay hands on them and they don’t get healed won’t that be a disgrace. My answer to this thought is AND SO WHAT! That is the voice of fear trying to come up. God has not given us the spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7), fear is of the devil. Don’t receive the gift of fear from the devil, follow your mandate as a son of God that you are. Don't let the devil scare you with "What if the sickness transfers to you", all he has is tricks.

Don’t be too pre-occupied with your self-image that you will sit on performing miracles because of what people will say. You first need to shift your mind to see yourself the way God sees you. If you check out my post on key identities of a believer, you’d see that I mentioned that our citizenship is of heaven. You are a representative of God here; you are an ambassador. All power of the president of your country (God) has been poured into you. Anything that your president can do, it is through you in this land. Jesus is the manual, the policy booklet to guide all the things you can do. You are a solution to this world, God has given you that power. It is not every time you ask God to come and fix situations. You fix it in the name of Jesus. There’s power and authority in that name.

There are so many people suffering in this world. Carrying so many burdens, willing to pay millions for a solution. But there you are, a believer full of the Holy ghost and equipped to deliver supernatural healing to people from all corners of the world. You heal them, preach of God’s love to them and baptize them in the Holy Ghost. Through healing, you have rescued a soul from heading to hell into God’s marvellous fold. You can fulfil God’s mandate of saving souls through healing.

John 1:16 (NIV) And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace.

The full capacity in which Christ walked on earth is the same one you have received as a believer. The exact same measure of grace he walked in, you have it. We have the fullness of Christ’s glory, power and authority. See, authority and power to walk in the supernatural is not a problem for any believer whether you became born again in 1980 or in 2019. It is the level of knowledge and revelation that limits the rate at which we all function.

This is why I will always recommend a sound gospel based church. If you have been a Christian for years and you still have your pastor on speed dial when situations arise, you have to re-analyze your life. You can’t be a believer for many years and have no testimony to show forth the power of the Holy Ghost that works in you. It is not time to be sleeping, it is time to get up and walk in dominion. You have to worship in a gathering where your identity as a believer is being celebrated. Where you know for sure that you have a greater reality because of Jesus. It no longer time to be feeding on milk or debating if something is a sin or not. It is time to be a solution to the world’s problem. People need help and you have been equipped to help them through the power of resurrection that works in you.
I believe that the current generation of Christians will allow our pastors to rest (LOL) because we have been equipped to walk in the supernatural. We shall testify of miraculous healings through the power of the Holy Ghost.

You may be reading this post and you have a pain in your body or know someone with a pain in their body. It is time for you to fix that situation. Speak out loud to the body and say these words:

Body, you were created by God. The crown of your head to the sole of your feet is created by God for His pleasure. Sickness, you are not allowed. Pain, you are not permitted. Discomfort, get out. By the power of the Holy Ghost, I command you to leave this body right now. Jesus has paid the ultimate price for sin, death and sickness. Therefore, I cannot be sick. Sickness leave now and never come back. I am whole! I am healed! I believe that I am healed.

Feel free to add other commands and declarations. Remember, you are speaking like you are Christ. All the power Christ has is what you have. When you speak, everything obeys. 

Jesus told us to heal the sick. There is no trying to see if it will work. You've been authorized by heaven. All you need is boldness to act. Go do it now! Reach out to me with testimonies via my Twitter.

“Healing should not be an isolated, one-chance-in-a-100-or-1,000 type of occurrence. Healing should be everywhere. It is part of the gospel.”- Bert M. Farias

With love,


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